About Profiles International Assessments — Qaitas International | Psychometric Assessments and Tests
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Profiles International invests significant effort and time in planning its approach, methodology and assessment activities. We believe that the Devil is in the Details; hence embracing how critical the execution is has direct impact on how successful the objectives are met.

Profiles International reliability results meets or exceeds the scientifically-established & industry-accepted guidelines for each indicator assessed. Our reports reflect high Reliability with minimum error; making predicting your people’s natural tendencies as high as possible.

100% ownership of own facilities indicating long-term commitment to Partner with you & bring to you state of the art solutions and extra ordinary after sales service exceeding your expectations.

Our reports provides the Individual and the Organization with Comprehensive reports designed to be user-friendly and easy to use.






A multi-purpose, total person assessment used for selection, development, training, managing, and succession planning. This employee assessment measures how well an individual fits specific jobs through integrating Thinking Styles , Behavioral Traits and Occupational Interests all together under one solution. The ProfileXT is customizable, and peak job performance models can be developed by company, position, manager or geography.


Measures how well a person fits specific sales jobs in your organization so that you can optimize sales performance. It is used primarily for selecting, on-boarding and managing sales people and account managers. The "job modeling" feature is unique, and can be customized by company, sales position, department, manager, geography, or any combination of these factors.


It is designed to illuminate the inherent potential of executives and their approach in confronting challenges while achieving excellence in leadership.


Is a DISC personality style employee performance assessment test. The employee performance report this test provides can be used to manage employee performance in order to make every employee more valuable and productive. It also provides recommendations for improving employee performance.


It is a manager assessment test which measures critical workplace compatibility factors between managers & their employee(s) to determine managerial fit. Understanding the dynamics of the supervisor-subordinate relationship helps the manager work more effectively with each employee by recognizing where their perspectives are similar and where they differ.


It is a customer service assessment that measures how well a person fits specific customer service jobs in your organization. This employee assessment is based on various characteristics identified through Profiles International’s carefully compiled research.


It provides valuable information about how the leader and members of the team can work together to achieve team-oriented objectives and overall organizational goals.


It is a 180-degree feedback system that helps sales managers evaluate sales people, surface their development needs, and align sales priorities to improve sales performance.


Used primarily to evaluate the effectiveness of your managers and leaders on 70 highly targeted behaviors grouped into 18 Skill Sets & 8 Competencies.


The Profiles Global Assessment Center is Profiles International's state-of-the-art online assessment delivery system. It offers multiple features second to none when compared to competition.