Eight Weeks to  Twelve Months

Eight Weeks to Twelve Months

Sales coaching is a useful opportunity that shows employers to invest in its staff to improve and grow its overall operations.

Our team of expertise will help your sales team focus on building incremental improvements over time rather than trying to cram a bunch of knowledge in at once, which will usually be quickly forgotten.

Who should participate?

This is intended for employees, managers in the sales department, and sales consultants.

How it works - the approach:

Day 1: Meet the coach

The coach will meet with the top managers and employees of the organization to discuss more about their mission, vision, and goals.

  • The coach will collect, analyze, and interpret the performance of the individual and have a discussion on any unique gaps in their sales techniques

  • The sales coach will then observe the operations of your sales team

  • Develop and Implement the appropriate skills

  • Begin the observation process

  • The sales coach will support and mentor them the team throughout their career goals and objectives

What’s in it for you?

Participants who register for this program will get the following benefits:

  • Helps you Identify non productive steps in sales process

  • Increasing sales team results

  • Developing specific sales competences (discovering needs, sales questions, leading conversation, etc)

  • Engage and mobilize sales teams