Two Days up to 12 Months Program*

Two Days up to 12 Months Program*

Redundancy is a challenge everyone of us deal with at any stage of life. It affects our daily lives, changes routines, causes unnecessary stress and fear, and most of the time results to having low self-esteem.

While this is true, it does not necessarily have to be that way. We, at Qaitas, understands the challenges and view situations like these as a “new light in the tunnel”.

Who should participate?

This program is recommended for managers, employees and even professionals who would like to explore a new career path.

How it works - the approach:

Day 1: Meet the coach

The first day will be devoted on establishing the base of the program and pursue professional relationship. There would be an exploratory chat between you and the coach to get acquainted with each other. Be prepared for questions that will tackle your goals, successes and challenges.

Day 2: Personality and Skills Assessment + Goal Setting

The second day will be dedicated for assessments to see your:

  • Strengths and challenges

  • Approach to people you work with and how you adjust to the workplace environment

  • What motivates and inspires you

  • Actions needed to maximize strengths and address challenges

  • How you want to be seen by others

Now that we have the above identified, the future looks bright. Our coach will guide you on developing short and long term goals alongside an action plan to help you achieve these milestones effectively.

*Follow-up coaching sessions are recommended to guarantee results!

What’s in it for you?

Participants who register for this program will get the following benefits:

  • Help you get back on track emotionally and practically

  • Explore different options that are currently available in the market

  • Discover your personality and what matters most to you

  • Understand your skill sets and how to fully utilize it

  • Learn how to manage stress, de-motivation and low-self esteem